Off The Page:
Bringing Creativity Into The Band ROom
Bob Habersat
Oak Lawn Community High School
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Creativity in the band classroom
What are some things you do to bring creativity in the classroom?
How is it hard in an ensemble setting?
What is off the page playing and why is it important?
PLaying music using theory and/or the ear often from memory and from the heart.
NAFME Standards: Create, Perform, Respond
Independant musicianship
Student centered project based
Recruitment and retention
Why Pop Music: don’t we already do that?
Students know it
Offers student choice
Is usually less harmonically complex
On The page notation vs off the page Notation
Get them off their instrument
Lets Jam
Key Drums in band
Warm Ups
Pep Band
Basic Groove
Soundtrap link
Spelling chords relative to the scale | video
Arpeggiate over changes
Voice Leading | Worksheet | Organizer | Student Chart
Keep notes in each voice the same or have them move up or down by one letter
Assign voices to different instruments
Types of chordal rhythmic roles
Identify them in recordings
Identify them in written music
Play them together and focus on dynamic and articulation
The issue with Pop tune melodies in standard notation
Nothing wrong with singing
Play folk and simple melodies by ear
Melodic fill in the blank
Improvised melodic fill in the blank
Simple melodic transcription
Student Arrangements
Dynamics and articulation
Importance of Tone
Narrative arrangement | Chart | Sketch
Concert arrangement example
Commercial music ensemble example
Rewire arrangement example - acoustic instrument remixing.
RElated Stuff
Rewire Music Theory curriculum
Junior Music Production Curriculum Incubator | Sample page
Project based classroom blog
Teach pop tunes like a pro
Audio sync and noteflight