Relevant Music Theory for Music Production, Piano and Modern Band
Bob Habersat
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My Music Theory Story
8am Undergrad music Theory 😴 and the kid in the back
Using Theory as a pro
Theory is a bad word and its only for the few.
Fundamental Musicianship
“Theory” principals that can be used in musical time
Depth v Breadth
Start with the end in mind: What makes a good musician? The Incubator
Harmonic mobility
aural skills
The Mechanism
Ear training
Evaluation and analysis
Class Guitar
Class Piano
Commercial Music Ensemble (Modern Band)
Theory Class
Music Production
Band/Choir/Orchestra Class
Read W I R E
Chromatic scale in guitar class
Learning notes in left hand and playing bass
Roman Numeral reading
R Ear Training W I R E
R E WRite I R E
Melodies using the piano roll
Melodies in standard notation
Top Lining- how to make melodies singable
R E W Improvisation R E
Drum groove playing
Lets jam
R E W I Record E
Necessary skill for the 21st century Musician
Record ready vs performance ready
Playing with the metronome helps with pocket.
R E W I R Evaluate & Analyze
Major Scale Mastery = Harmonic Freedom
Roman Numeral Playing
Changes To The Culture
Student centered, project based
Universal Language unlocks collaboration and live remix
Conceptual Arranging
Career Readiness- learn tunes at a pro pace
The Morning Show & Real Gigs
College Articulation
Creating pathways for change
Columbia College
Montclair University
Available Curricula
Rewire Theory- Piano, Theory, MOdern Band
Fretboard Fundamentals
Rewire Guitar
Production Through Performance
Junior Music Producer | join the beta