1.2 Subdivision



  • Divide the beat evenly into two, three, and four equal parts.

  • Aurally identify subdivisions.

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  • Learning Event Subdivision Watch the subdivision videos for eighth note, sixteenth note, eighth note triplet, and sixteenth note triplet subdivision. 

  • Activity Practice saying the different subdivision levels with a metronome at different tempos as class. Reinforce the importance of the evenness between subdivisions, especially on the eighth note triplet. Have individual students say the subdivision syllables aloud. 

  • Ear Training Subdivision Identification: Listen and identify the different subdivision levels played by the hihat and in rapper’s flow in the Spotify playlist 

  • Practice Subdivision Workout: Do the workout as a class by playing the Noteflight video. Give students an opportunity to practice individually with headphones when finished and have them perform it for a partner. Preview what will be assessed at the end of the week so they can practice by themselves. Encourage students to record a performance of the assessment portion of the workout and to listen back to their performance objectively. Model this behavior to start students metacognating about their practice.


  • Assess Subdivision Workout: Test student’s ability to subdivision eighth note, eighth note triplet, and sixteenth note triplet using the subdivision assessment video in person.

  • Play the video and have students perform in person.

  • Alternatively, you can have them record the assessment.
    Give meaningful feedback immediately.

  • Go through the rubric with the students together and have them identify which subdivisions they performed evenly and which ones they performed unevenly.

Notes: Starting the study sequence with the understanding and application of a concept as basic as steady beat sets the tone for the


1.3 Beat Map Reading


1.1 Steady Beat