2.5 Lead sheets: Three string chords
Chord Progression: The order of chords used in a song.
Harmonic Rhythm: The rate at which chords change in a chord progression. (Chords may change twice per measure, for example.)
Translate the harmonic rhythm from the chord and lyrics chart to the lead sheet.
Listen to the recording and figure out the harmonic rhythm by finding the pulse and counting how many beats each chord is played.
Show the harmonic rhythm by writing the chord symbols above the corresponding slashes in the lead sheet blank.
Goal: To (1) play the 3-string chords in time with proper technique, (2) create your own chord progressions, and (3) transcribe four measures of chords
How to Complete the Assignment:
Exercises 1-5: Play the chords with the backing track
Exercise 6: Create your own chord progression using the Diatonic Chord Progression Video and the Diatonic Chord Chart.
Exercise 7: Listen to the backing track and write down the roman numerals for the chords.