

The bass instrument is the link between the drum groove and the rest of the band. A bass line with a strong connection to the kick drum gives rhythmic freedom to the harmony that the chordal instruments play. Altering the beginnings and the ends of the notes in a bass line changes the sound of a groove.

  • Watch the walkthrough video

how are the bass and kick related?

The kick usually plays on beat one of every measure to set up the meter. The bass plays with the first note of the kick to enhance this relationship. Unlike drums, bass instruments can hold notes for a period of time (duration). Altering the length of a bass note changes the sound of a beat. Adding one subdivision of separation between a bass release and an attack adds more punch to the second attack. Removing that separation by having the release on the same count as the attack creates a more connected sound.

Relationship I: Bass and kick play at the same time

Example: The attacks of the bass are on all of the same counts as the kick drum. Separation is added between some attacks to add punch, and the last note is held out for its full value to create a connected sound when moving to the next measure.

Relationship II: Bass plays more than the kick

Example: Bass notes played before the kick attacks support the drum part. The bass note on the and of four leads into the kick on beat one of the next measure.

Relationship III: Bass plays less than the kick

Example: The bass has attacks on beats one and three with no separation between the release of the first note and the attack of the second creating a more connected sound.

Relationships 2 and 3 can also be combined.




Listen to the playlist and try to hear the rhythmic relationship between the bass and kick drum.

  • Develop your ability to hear the different kick/bass relationships by listening to music you like. Pay close attention to the duration of the bass notes as well. Remember that critical listening is a muscle. The more you use the muscle, the stronger it gets!




Write a drum groove and bass line to accompany this rap recording. Feel free to experiment with different drum kits and bass sounds after you have recorded to create a cohesive sonic picture.

    1. Learn How To Write Chord Progressions →.

    2. Write a chord progression in the key of C using the Chord Progression Organizer →.

    1. Compose a drum groove and write a bass line to match the kick rhythm using the Bass Line Organizer →.

    2. Record the drum and bass parts in Soundtrap. You can use the rap stem that has been provided, or you can record your own vocal part. The vocal can be rap, spoken word, or sung.

    1. Create a drum + beats track and choose your sound.

    2. Record 8 measures of the drum groove and quantize it to the correct subdivision.

    3. Create a guitar + bass track and choose a bass sound.

    4. Record the bass part and quantize it to the correct subdivision.