LOG OUT Lesson Tour Unit 1 | The Big Picture Lesson 0 | Producer Roles🔒 Lesson 1 | Think Like a DJ🔒 Lesson 2 | Ingredients🔒 Lesson 3 | The CookLESSON PLAN Unit 2 | Drums Lesson 1 | What are drums?🔒 Lesson 2 | Creating DrumsLESSON PLAN Lesson 3 | arranging drums🔒 Unit 3 | Chords & Bass Lesson 1 | Chord BasicsLESSON PLAN Lesson 2 | Bass LinesLESSON PLAN Lesson 3 | VariationLESSON PLAN Unit 4 | Melody Lesson 1 | Copy A Melody🔒 Lesson 2 | Writing melodies🔒 Lesson 3 | Melody Types🔒 Unit 5 | ARRANGEMENT Lesson 1 | REVIEW🔒 Lesson 2 | STRUCTURE🔒 Lesson 3 | DETAIL🔒 Application Projects SongwritingLESSON PLAN VIDEO GAME COMPOSITION🔒 RADIOCOMMERCIAL🔒 Podcasting🔒