elements educator essentials
Take the first steps to being an Elements Educator.
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ROLES of an elements educator
1 | Facilitator
Creating an environment where students feel safe to be themselves and vulnerable with each other will allow them to be creative and manage their own learning.
2 | Problem Solver
Tech troubles can get in the way of creativity. Learn how to troubleshoot and provide a pathway for students to be stewards of their own tech. Get a PDF of the troubleshooting map HERE.
3 | Promoter
Bring student work into the real world by sharing their projects in the classroom, school, and community. Learn more about distribution on this BLOG PAGE.
4 | Creator
5 | Share
Introduce yourself and and share something that you have made in the ELEMENTS USER GROUP.
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Everyone Can Cook
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Learn where to find everything in the teacher and student portals.
Lesson plans
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