Guitar Basics
Guitar Basics: Overview
Guitar is one of the best instruments to learn- it sounds good when its played by itself, when it is played with other guitarists, and as part of a band. Set yourself up for success by developing good practice habits and using strategies to be aware of your mind, body, and the music.
Learn how to build a solid foundation for your playing by developing good posture and playing with proper technique.
Getting StARTED
Get comfortable with your guitar by learning its parts, how to hold it, and knowing the directional cues that are used when referring to notes, frets, and strings.
Parts of the Guitar
Being able to accurately talk about different parts of the guitar will make it easy to start to play.
Playing Posture
Playing with a healthy position will allow you to play for a longer period of time without interruption. Start with good habits now so you don’t have to worry about breaking bad ones later.
Pitch Direction
When musicians talk about direction, they are referring to how high or low a sound is. The lowest string on the guitar, for example, is the lowest sounding one- not the one closest to the floor.