FF 5.7 | Soloing

7 Soloing (3-4 Days)

  • Play along with the call and repeat video in the solo tab as a class (they will probably only be able to make it through the first couple minutes of the video).

  • Have a discussion about how students did during the activity.

  • Give students time to work indepentantly on the call and repeat video- encouraging them to find licks that they like the sound of.

  • Play the backing track and have everyone solo together.

  • Have students find a lick from the lick library that they like and give them time to practice it.

  • Give students an opportunity to play their lick for the class.

SOLO BASELINE ASSESSMENT: Have students create a narrative of a solo by charting out which riffs are going to be used over the form. Give them time to find five to six licks from the lick library and the call and repeat video that they like. Let them practice the licks and figure out the order that they are going to use in their solo. Allowing students to craft their solo takes the guess work out of improvisation and makes it so students will play a solo that sounds great. When referring to licks from the call and repeat page, they can write the timestamp of the lick to stay organized. The performance of their etude should have rhythmic intention and should follow the narrative that they wrote.

DIFFERENTIATION: Once students have done the baseline assessments for chords, bass, and soloing, come back to these elements timed chunks. Give students time to work independently with the call and repeat video, the lick library, and the blues scale video to expand their blues vocabulary.

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